Joe Odiboh is originally from Nigeria, became naturalised in South Africa but then came to Ireland seeking International Protection. He trained as an art teacher originally and now sees himself as an African artist and expressive painter creating imagery to better represent the African peoples and cultures. He was a guest speaker at Kelvin Gaynor art exhibition in Platform Arts Belfast depicting the work, ‘Double Gaze Visions’ in 2021. He also showed artwork with NIDOE in Dublin for Nigerian independence Day Celebrations in the same year. He ran an art workshop at Mother Tongues Festival and spoke at Glencree’s Intercultural and Refugee program for African Day Celebrations and was judge in an African children art competition. He has shown work in many exhibitions and given talks and workshops across the country. Joe worked with Sabona Productions a film company in County Sligo as well as being the subject of a film portrait ‘Joe Odiboh Release’ by filmmaker Eamonn Dillon which was shown by Welcome Café Dublin in 2019.